Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hi Oklahoma People

I've got about 3 million hits from Oklahoma City and the surrounding areas lately. So hello Oklahoma people. Nice of you to stop by.

It's tense at our house this week. "Family" issues I guess you could call it. It's interesting how family can stress you out, even when they don't even live anywhere near you. Kinda throws a monkey wrench in the whole carefree loving our life vibe we usually have going on. Oh well. This too shall pass.

Spring is upon us and I'm very happy about it. Mainly because it means school will be out pretty much in the blink of an eye and I'll be basking in the glow of my hot Texas summer and laying by the pool at the country club. Bring it on. I'm ready!


Mary Morrow said...

i hadn't stopped by in awhile... but i'm here tonight :).